Monday, May 31, 2010

Overcoming fear of public speaking

A great fear that many people have is speaking before a group or audience. The primary reason is that they are afraid of looking foolish in front of other people. The way to overcome this fear is through preparation, a safety net, and a positive attitude toward the audience.Once the person starts talking, the heart keeps beating rapidly and the person may hear his or her voice tremble. The legs or even the whole body may start shaking. The person may also stutter or start speaking rapidly.

Although some people calm down, once they get going, others may ramble through the material incoherently.There are few steps of overcoming the fear of public speaking.

Steps to overcome the fear
There are several steps of tricks to use to overcome the fear of making a mistake or looking foolish when you speak to a group:

1.Be well-prepared before speaking to a group
2.Practice your speech
3.Have a backup, in case you forget what you want to say
4.Reduce the fear of your audience
5.Relax yourself just before you speak

1. Be well prepared
One of the best ways to make sure you don't make foolish mistakes is to be well prepared before you speak to a group. You should know what are going to talk about, who you will speak to, and under what conditions you will speak

2. Practice
You should practice your speech many times before you give it.

Even if you know your material very well, practice is extremely important. The more you give a talk, the more automatic it becomes, the more meat it can have, and the more confidence you have in your abilities to give the speech.

3. Have a backup
It is worthwhile to bring along a "security blanket" or "safety net" in case something goes wrong in your presentation. The main thing to worry about is forgetting what you were going to say next. This can happen even if you've done extensive practicing of the speech.

4. Reduce fear of your audience
The more important the audience or the occasion, the greater your fear can be. You don't want to look like a fool in front of the bosses at work, your peers, or even your friends and relatives.

5. Relax before speaking
When you are introduced to speak, take three breaths to settle you down before you get out of your chair. Then when you go up to the lectern, thank the person who introduced you and then count to 10 before you start speaking.

This will allow the audience to get settled and ready to hear you. It also is a way that you are showing that you are now in control.

It is not easy to do, because you have to look at the audience and panic may settle in. But if you have made all the preparations, you can be sure of yourself and deserve to be in control of the situation. It is a good feeling.